I am beyond thrilled to have this section -which I love so much- here, in the English version of the blog. And I am also thrilled to have such a special guest for this beginning. You will soon learn why she is so special. But first please allow me to explain a bit on how this section was born:

Some of you already know about my research regarding Spanish-speaking expats (since when I started with my private practice there was almost no research on the topic). The thing is that while I was listening to the interviewees it was very clear how each one could have benefit from the knowledge, the wisdom generated by others. It became important for me to create a space for this to happen. A place where you can have access to the lessons learned by others. A space where you can learn what went great and what went… not so great. So that you won’t make the same mistakes. And also from what went well so that you can follow that path. And that is how this section was born!

And talking about sharing wisdom let me tell you that Naomi, our guest today has a very special FB group one that you must join if you have experienced expat life. This is one of those unique groups in FB where support, bonding, trust are taken to another level. If you are not a member yet, please check it out here.

And this group has an interesting name. It is called “I am A Triangle” and there is a very special reason behind that name. I will give you the short version but you can find it here, very well explained, in her original post.

Imagine you where born in a Circle Country. Everyone who lives there are Circles, with their own celebrations, food preferences, languages, etc etc.

But one day you move overseas and you land in Square Society and just as in Circle Country everyone who lives there are equals, they look the same except that they are Squares with their own celebration, foods preferences, languages, etc. And of course, those preferences are completely different than the ones in Circle Country.
So now you are a Circle living in Square Society. You can try to adapt yourself but, let’s face it you will never be a truly Square. But at the same time you start to lose a bit of your Circle culture. You find yourself celebrating the Square festivals, enjoying their food…

You are not longer a 100% Circle and you will never be a 100% Square so you evolve into something completely different… a Triangle!! And even though you can repatriate you will remain a Triangle forever.
I always emphasize that what expat life “does” to you is not reversible. Once you have moved you will never be exactly the same. So imagine how amazing it was for me to find Naomi and this wonderful explanation (better explained by her, I know).

So after this long introduction, let’s  listen to her story:

I am the mother of three children (currently aged 22, 13 and 10) and married to a wonderful partner in crime whose career has taken us around the world. .I am a licensed Realtor serving clients in Northern Virginia, USA and have a business to support families who move anywhere in the United States to be connected with the BEST Realtors who help them to find communities where they can thrive and flourish. Additionally, I am the Founder of I Am a Triangle, a massive online (and now in person as well!) community of amazing global nomads who have finally found the place where they fit – after expanding their horizons during the time living overseas. I find that I’m the happiest when I am in service of others, and both of my “jobs” allow me to do that each and every day. My personal motto is: There are only two things needed in life, to show up and to be kind!

As an expat what was something that you did that went so wrong that you wouldn’t do it again and would advice others not to do so?

So much of our experience overseas was wonderful, that it was a bit difficult to narrow down something that went terribly wrong. I think though that I can say it relates to our health care. I was naive before we went overseas in assuming our health care experience would be the same. Through many trials and errors, I know now that the only true advocate for you and your family’s health is YOU. Learn to carry your medical records with you from country to country. Be vigilant in asking questions of your medical providers. Ask for second opinions from health care providers that you trust and respect. You know your children and partners best … fight to protect them.

Considering your expat experience what was something you did that went so well that you would repeat it and would encourage others to do so?

Going beyond the typical and outside of the bubble to instead truly explore the places we lived. Going into the alleyways and discovering the small villages and the places for lunch where the locals deemed the top favorites. Making time to learn a new skill (for me, it was photography lessons from a wise old Indian man named Mr. Suresh) and volunteering consistently. It was a practice and habit that I formed when we first moved to Delhi, continued in Singapore, and I continue that effort now, even though we’ve repatriated for the time being.


Today I am posting a million links, I know, and now it is time for a couple more. If you want to get in touch with Naomi, you can find her at:

Owner, 8th & Home | Real Estate + Relocation
Founder, I Am A Triangle | International Tribe for Those Who Have Lived Abroad
Speaker, FIGT/Orate | Community Builder, Kindness Advocate, Industry Disrupter

If I may add, she is a fantastic writer so I highly recommend you her blog. And if you haven’t done it yet let me invite you to join her wonderful group, trust me, it’s an amazing and truly supportive community. Check it out here: I Am A Triangle

Thanks a lot Naomi for visiting the blog and sharing your wisdom with us.

Wanna read this article in Spanish? Click here to go the Spanish version.


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